Data Management Network & Platform
Rather than taking a siloed or competitive approach to anyone else fishing for data, we extend our collaborative approach to facilitate this novel approach globally. The data collected by disparate programs does not have value beyond the individual fishing fleet. As part of a global and standardized network, this data has tremendous value. Together we are far more than the sum of our parts.
Standardization of data and meta-data, common distribution channels, data traceability and provenance, as well as best practices are key for being a widely accepted and standardized data collection platform. Being a part of our network maximizes value, exposure, and funding for all. Our data management is built around the F.A.I.R. data principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
FAIR data flow

Our agile cloud based data architecture is based upon the FAIR data standards, plus meeting the needs of stakeholders with confidentiality that does not compromise data quality. The core of our system is our relational database which is designed to evolve and grow as we incorporate increasingly diverse parameters and data streams.
Global Impact
We can then make these accessible to larger data discovery portals such as EMODnet Physics and OceanOPS in order to showcase this data, as well as to operational portals like CMEMS In Situ TAC and the World Meteorological Organization GTS. The goal is to make this data as widely usable and digestible to modelers not familiar with all the intricacies of commercial fishing. We can make your data matter.
We push data to the highest levels of scientific usage, yet ensure full traceability, so that your institute or program gets the deserved credit and increased exposure. However, we are sensitive to confidentiality required for some vessels to participate and can ensure anonymity and additional solutions to ensure everyone’s needs are met.

The emerging global community of both science and industry lead programs collecting ocean data in collaboration with fishing vessels.
The evolving standards and best practices necessary to ensure FAIR data can be daunting. We can provide consulting services for data management of other in situ ocean observations, especially for other novel and opportunistic data streams.