Data Driven Fisheries Intelligence

ODN provides sensing solutions for fishing gear performance analytics and environmental intelligence. Ocean conditions, vessel operations, and gear design all affect the efficiency of fishing. We serve a wide range of fishing industry customers from single owner-operator vessels to large modern fleets. A big data approach to fishing increases profitability and sustainability. Do you have an ocean data question with your fishing? We’re keen to help you answer it.

The benefits of the environmental intelligence provided by the system can be realized on multiple timescales, during daily operations to more precisely fish the depths/ocean conditions a target species prefers, and on seasonal time horizons to inform longer term business decisions based on trends in catch and environmental variation.

Gannet Analytics

ODN’s proprietary gear performance analytics tools provide captains with haul by haul feedback on how their nets are setting in the water column. This data can be used to adjust fishing operations in real time as well as to modify net designs to maximize the volume of water column fished, leading to significant increases in catch efficiency. Learn more.

Customer testimonials

“The system paid for itself in a morning, by knowing exactly what depth I was pursing at I was able to fish where no one else would set.”

Captain Mick Tory, F/V Kona Rose, Southeast Alaska

“Within the first 3 sets/shots we were able to see very clearly that we needed to make changes to enhance fishing performance. As the information is uploaded online as soon as the fishing operation is completed we could see exactly the issues we were having straight away. After making the changes we quickly got back out and started gathering more data and we quickly got a very clear picture which is excellently presented online of how the net performs. We spent 3 days working with the net sensors we were able to gather some incredibly valuable data which improved our fishing capabilities and efficiency”

Captain Thomas Pascoe, F/V Charlotte Claire, Cornwall, UK

Fleet Management Tool

ODN also offers a fleet management tool that gives managers information on the precise location and fishing activity of every vessel in the fleet to track performance and identify the most productive areas of the fishing grounds in near real time.

Oceanographic Data-As-A-Service

ODN will get data where you need it to answer research questions, better resolve key features to improve ocean forecasts, etc. Simply identify a region of interest and ODN will identity, engage, and instrument the vessels and fleets operating in that region. Data can be served in near real-time in customizable formats with machine to machine connections and compliant with established data and meta-data standards and formats set by the Global Ocean Observing System and similar organizations.

Supporting Services

Storing, quality controlling, and delivering oceanographic and related data is challenging.  Different data types, formats, standards, meta-data, and delivery needs require sophisticated data management procedures and services. While we specialize in fishing vessel oceanographic data, we can handle physical oceanographic data from other platforms.

ODN provides data handling and data management services for their collaborative projects and for associated efforts. Leveraging our cloud and scientific expertise, we help scientists get to the actual science faster!